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Sanchez Saltveit, Olga Patricia, University of Oregon, Department of Theatre Arts
Sanders, Colleen, Clackamas Community College
Sandidge, Christa, Northwest Nazarene University
Scheppke, Jane F., Crook County Library
Scheppke, Jim, State Librarian
Scherer, Alice, Center for the Study of Beadwork
Scherer, Alice
Schestag, Thomas
Schire, Carmel, Douglass College
Scholl, Sabine
Schultz, Bethany, Northwest Nazarene University
Sedano, Nagore, University of Oregon
Segatti, Lucy, Secretary of State of Canada
Segatti, Lucy
Sepúlveda, Jesús, University of Oregon
Sepúlveda, Jesús
Shankman, Steven, University of Oregon
Sheldon, Nathan D, University of Michigan
Shepard, Jon H, Oregon State Arthropod Collection Department of Integrative Biology Oregon State University, Corvallis OR 97331
Shepard, Jon H.
Shinde, Vasant, Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute
Siegmund, Frank
Siegmund, Frank, Seminar fiir Ur- und Fruhgeschichte der Georg- August-Universitat
Siegmund, Frank (Switzerland)
Silton, Jill, University of California

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