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Dalton, Daniel T., Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Davis, Edward Byrd, University of Oregon
De La Fuente, Lily, Reed College
DeArmond, Marc C., Coupeville Middle-High School
DeCorse, Christopher R., Syracuse University
Deeny, Anna, Georgetown University
Dello Stritto, Mary Ellen , Oregon State University
DeLoe, Dylan, Blue Mountain Community College
Deveny, Thomas, McDaniel College
Devos, Whitney
Diaz, Jeanie , Multnomah County Libraries
Dickerson, Carole, Lake Oswego Public Library
DiGiovanni, Lisa, Keene State College
Doman Calkins, Adrienne, Sherwood Public Library
Donahue, William
dos Santos, Álvaro F, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)
Doyle, Miranda, Lake Oswego School District
Duncan, Riley, Oregon State Arthropod Collection

1 - 18 of 18 items