Designing and Facilitating Optimal LMS Student Learning Experiences
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learning management systems
online education
research-based practices
higher education

Como Citar

Wenzel, A., & Moreno, J. (2022). Designing and Facilitating Optimal LMS Student Learning Experiences: Considering students’ needs for accessibility, navigability, personalization, and relevance in their online courses. The Northwest ELearning Journal, 2(1).


Higher education institutions seek to provide instructional opportunities that challenge students with a high level of academic rigor founded in a robust curriculum. Recognizing that learners are more diverse than ever before, and instructional formats are shifting away from traditional inperson learning experiences and toward online learning, it is clear that new technologies, delivery platforms, and pedagogies are required. Further, for online learning to be successful, both courses and the platforms on which they are hosted must not only meet institutional goals, but also serve the unique needs of students by providing online learning that is accessible and navigable as well as providing learners with relevant and personalized experiences. The authors aim to provide research-based practices to support stakeholders who are interested in techniques that translate to a more beneficial and accessible student experience in online learning and help instructors engineer their course design with artful, targeted purpose.
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Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 4.0.

Direitos de Autor (c) 2022 Alicia Wenzel; Jennifer Moreno