Simple Steps towards Equitable Online Courses
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Vidal, G. . (2021). Simple Steps towards Equitable Online Courses. The Northwest ELearning Journal, 1(1).


It is well-known that academic life can be very stressful for students. We are currently in the middle of a pandemic and living in a time of deep social reflection and transformation, which has brought a new level of stress to our students, who are experiencing it in different ways. This is impacting all learning environments, including online courses. Approaches for making online courses more inclusive have been discussed extensively, but we are still learning how to go about achieving equitable courses. This article will highlight lessons learned from teaching experiences and from listening to students, including the importance of observing and identifying the factors contributing to the increased stress that students in your online course may be facing. It will also discuss simple strategies to help all your students achieve academic success.
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