Nora Krug, Belonging


  • Ryan Scott Walker University of Oregon



Nora Krug, Belonging. Scribner, 2018.

Author Biography

Ryan Scott Walker, University of Oregon

Ryan Scott Walker is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Oregon, where he studies Classical, English, and German languages and literatures. He completed his MA in Classical languages and literature at the University of Notre Dame in 2018. Before coming to Eugene in 2022, Ryan taught Latin to middle-school students in New York City and then Humanities courses at Western Washington University’s Honor College. His primary research interests include epic poetry and poetics, the reception of ancient Greek and Latin literature in English and German Romanticism, and the role of “national epic” in the development of Romantic nationalisms. His secondary interests include New Materialism, Post-Humanism, and the (dis)enchantment of modernity, particularly through the cultural histories of ‘magic’ and science.




How to Cite

Walker, R. S. (2024). Nora Krug, Belonging. Konturen, 13.