For a Study of the Reception of the <i>Canzoniere</i> in the “Petrarch Project”


  • Giorgio Forni University of Messina



This article presents a research project developed by a group of scholars from different Italian universities; they plan to help construct the hypertext configuration of the Petrarch Project by attempting a first collective research on the fortunes of a single poem of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Rvf), sonnet 35, “Solo et pensoso i più deserti campi.” The ultimate aim of this mosaic work is to produce a synthetic, but integral, investigation of the fortunes and poetic interpretations of the text. Finally, the article discusses the new perspectives opened by the hypertext approach to the study of the reception of the Rvf. For this reason, this group of scholars extends an invitation to other researchers to collaborate in creating the map of the reception of sonnet 35 and other poems from Petrarch's Canzoniere.


